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Word On The Street!

The Power of Your Support

Fall 2024 Newsletter
King Street Lemonade x Vermont Juice Company
For 27 years, every cup of King Street Lemonade has been hand pressed and shaken up, made with a little bit of teen angst and a whole lot of love. But for the last few years, many of us at King Street Center have been joking (and dreaming) of bottling up our lemonade. This year, it’s magically become a reality.
King Street Center Lemonade Stand Moves to ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain

Rokeby Museum & King Street Center’s Preschool
All about King Street Center’s Preschool and Rokeby Museum’s partnership!

King Street Center Newsroom
Building Momentum
King Street Center is lighting the way for a brighter, more equitable future…
Ayan Kassim moved to America when she was 10 years old. Shortly after, she and her family arrived in Vermont where she found King Street Center.

Hate Has No Home Here, But Love Does
Hate has no home here, but love does.