Mentor Program
Become a Community Mentor or Book Buddy!
King Street Center’s Mentor Program serves children and youth at every stage of childhood and adolescence starting in Kindergarten.
For over 50 years, our Mentoring program has matched hundreds of youth to positive adult relationships. Youth with mentors are more likely to graduate high school, pursue post-secondary education and/or training, have stronger relationships with their peers, family members, and teachers, have a greater sense of self-awareness and self-esteem, and more.
For just 4 hours each month, you can make an everlasting impact in a child's life, and if we're honest - yours too! There are countless benefits for the adult in the relationship, including, but not limited to, more smiles, laughter, and confidence.
We have quite a few students looking for mentors. Please consider joining our mentor squad or sharing with anyone you think might be interested!
Mentors Make a Difference
Mentoring, at its core, guarantees young people that there is someone who cares about them, assures them they are not alone in dealing with day-to-day challenges, and makes them feel like they matter.
Research confirms that quality mentoring relationships have powerful positive effects on young people in a variety of personal, academic, and professional situations. But mentorship is not just impactful for the child, it also has tremendous benefits for the adult involved! To help a young person find their passion and path in life sparks immense joy and self-confidence for all involved.
Mentoring ultimately connects youth to personal growth and development, and social and economic opportunity. Yet 1 in 3 young people will grow up without this critical asset.
Young Adults with a Mentor are:
55% less likely than their peers to skip a day of school
78% more likely to volunteer regularly
90% are interested in becoming a mentor
130% more likely to hold leadership positions
Mentoring provides meaningful connections that impact the people involved and influence their lives at home, at work, and in their communities. For those who are being mentored, it is linked to improved academic, social and economic prospects. For those who are mentoring, the relationship can build leadership and management skills, expand a mentor’s professional network, and provide an empowering opportunity to give back to the community.
Literacy is at the forefront of our focus for our K-5th grade students. If kids are not able to read proficiently by the time they are in 3rd grade, they are at a much greater risk of not graduating high school. Since the pandemic, we’re seeing more and more kids fall behind in their reading. Our Book Buddy program is a critical resource to ensure our students don’t just maintain their current reading level, but have the opportunity to exceed it.

“Every kid is one caring adult away from being a success story.”
Become a Mentor
Join our award-winning Mentor program today and invest your time in the leaders, innovators, and changemakers of tomorrow.
Becoming a community mentor is one of the most incredible gifts you could give a young person. This program means dedicating 4 hours or more each month to spend time with your mentee and we ask for at least a one year commitment. Children ages 5 through 18 years old are part of this program, and we are always looking for mentors!
Get in touch today.
Book Buddy
Partner with one of our K-5 students to read and play educational games with for just 45-minutes each week. Reading proficiently by 3rd grade is linked to higher graduation rates and greater success in life beyond high school. Help our students reach their literacy goals and meet their reading levels either during the school year (October -June) or during the summer months (June - August).
The King Street Center Mentoring program seeks mentors ready & able to build a friendship, broaden horizons and show commitment to an individual child. Each mentor is matched with an elementary, middle, or high school student who is enrolled at King Street Center. Typical adventures include a visit to a playground, conversation over hot chocolate, apple picking, baking, local hikes, attending a sporting event or concert together, visiting the library, or pursuing other shared interests.
One-year commitment, at least
Mentors of kids age 5-10 should expect to spend two hours per week with your mentee
Community Mentors of teens age 11-18 should expect to spend 4-6 per month, over 2-4 sessions that fit both of your schedules
Must be 21+ years old to be a Community Mentor.
Must pass criminal background check. All mentors are required to submit an application and clear a criminal background check after completing mentor training.
If wanting to transport mentee, must show proof of automobile insurance & license
Book Buddies spend 45 minutes with K-5 students each week to read and play educational games. We ask for a full school year commitment (early October through mid-June) OR a full 8-week summer program commitment (end of June through mid-August)
You choose the day that works best for you. The school year programs runs from 3:30-4:15pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday, while the summer program runs in the morning.
Must be 16+ years old to be a Book Buddy
Contact Gabriella Tufo Strouse at gabriella@kingstreetcenter.org or call 802-862-6736 x105 (on-site) or 802-318-5928, (cell) for more information.
Current Mentors!
Tracking your monthly time and activities is important to the health of our program. Please complete your monthly survey here or email Gabriella.
Activity suggestions can be read/added here.
Scavenger Hunt fun can be found here!
Opportunity Fund: Is there a special outing, activity, project that you and your mentee have been wishing to do? If the answer is yes, you two can request money through the Mentor Program’s “Opportunity Fund.” Apply here today!
Check out this video about Anxiety and Depression
Mentor Philip Foy says, “I thought it was a great training and definitely worth the time to watch the recording. Paul was a wealth of knowledge and the participants’ stories/questions provided valuable opportunities to understand how to identify red flags, engage with mentees, and work with them to find solutions.”
You’ve got Mail!
Send a handwritten letter to your Mentee or Book Buddy right here at King Street Center! There is an element of surprise when you open the mailbox and there is a letter addressed to “you” inside. It may even seem old fashioned in today’s world with all the other platforms to stay connected. Letter writing and receiving is endearing, fun, and a great Academic Boost activity. We encourage “you” (Mentors & Book Buddies) to send a postcard/note/letter to:
King Street Center, Att: Gabriella/students first name. PO Box 1615, Burlington, VT 05402