Summer at King Street Center!

Welcome to summer at King Street!

We have a fun summer planned that is full of activities in and out of the building. We will spend most of our time at King Street and the surrounding community. Some of the places we know we will be going this summer include:

  • Burlington YMCA,

  • local parks,

  • Fletcher Free Library,

  • and ECHO.

We will be open from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM for our regular programming and 3:00-5:00 PM for aftercare.

Contact Information

Please contact us with any questions or updates through either Talking Points or by calling or texting us at (802) 391-6332

If you need to get in contact with King Street urgently and we do not answer you through the cell phone, you can call the front desk at (802) 862-6736

Daily Schedule

Everyday will be a little different based on weather, special events, and class needs. Below is our planned schedule for most of the summer.

  • Drop Off: 8:00 AM

  • Breakfast: 8:15 AM

  • Boost + Book Buddies: 8:45 AM

  • Movement: 9:30 AM

  • Blocks: 10:30 AM

  • Lunch: 12:00 PM

  • Field Trips: 1:00 PM

  • Field trips return by 2:45 PM

  • End of Program: 3:00 PM

  • Aftercare: 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Important Dates:

  • 1st Day of Program: Monday, June 24th

  • Last Day of Program: Friday, August 16th

  • King Street Center will be CLOSED Thursday, July 4th + Friday, July 5th

  • Block Party: Thursday, July 11th from 3:00-5:00 PM, programs will be open that day

  • HALF DAY PROGRAM from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM on Wednesday, July 17th + Wednesday, July 7th


King Street will provide breakfast and lunch for students everyday. Families may provide food for their children to eat at mealtimes if they would like. We ask that food that is brought in is only eaten by the child that brought it. Staff may ask for food brought from home to be put away if it is distracting or otherwise making the child's day less successful.

We will also be doing cooking projects almost every day this summer.


Be aware we have children with allergies to peanuts and kiwi. Please do not send foods containing peanuts or kiwi.


Each classroom will go swimming at the YMCA once per week. All swimming activities will have a lifeguard on site. We will also have water games at King Street once per week. These schedules will be sent home at the beginning of summer. Please send children with a swimsuit and change of clothes and towels on those days if possible. We have extra swimsuits and towels available if needed but do not have enough for everyone.

Youth & Parent Expectations:

Parents: We ask that you please do your best to be punctual with pick ups and drop offs. Please let us know if you will be picking up early.


  • Be on time. Drop off is between 8:00-8:30 AM. Pick up is between 2:30-3:00 PM for regular program and 4:30-5:00 PM for aftercare.

  • Let us know in advance if you need a specific pick-up time

  • If drop off or pickup happens after the designated time families will be given a late slip. When families have been given 3 late slips in a month they will be asked to meet with Hawa to discuss how we can support drop off and pick up happening on time.


  • Be open to new experiences

  • Come ready to play and learn

  • Prepare to walk and explore Burlington

  • Take care of your bodies by eating and drinking water

  • Show respect for yourself, your peers, and your teachers. Youth who receive repeated reminders from teachers about the same behavior will be given a reminder slip. If youth receive 3 reminder slips in 3 days they will be asked to meet with Hawa and their parents to review program expectations.

For any questions or further information, please contact Hawa or Dylan.

We're excited to have a fantastic summer together!